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Another Vegan NFL Player…And This One’s A Lineman???

May 7, 2012

It seems like more and more athletes are figuring out that eating plant-based is a great way to maximize athletic potential, but I had always thought a vegan diet would be optimal only for fast and athletic types, not big guys like NFL linemen.  I just came across this article in ESPN about the Seattle Seahawks’ new offensive guard, Deuce Lutui and his weight loss this offseason.  Apparently he signed with Cincinnati last year but failed his physical because he was too heavy (I didn’t know NFL linemen could be too heavy, but I guess they can!) and decided to become a vegan to lose the weight.  Well his former coach at USC and now new coach, Pete Carroll, seems really impressed with his performance in practice, and you can bet I’ll be following his performance this season.  Hopefully plant-based diets will catch on even more in the NFL, considering those big guys have so many absurd health problems after their playing careers (obviously nutrition is but one component, what with the physical stresses and brain damage and all).  I definitely think it would appeal to skill players like wide receivers and cornerbacks and even quarterbacks too – less fatigue, more mental clarity, etc. All good things for an athlete!

“I looove BROCCOLI!” Not an actual quote from Lutui but I can imagine that’s what he’d be saying.

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